Pierre de Fermat High School, FR - Toulouse, 2020
Pierre de Fermat High School
This project offered a challenge beyond just strict conservation of the existing building: promoting historic continuity, whether architectural or knowledge. It is clear that Pierre de Fermat High School is part of this heritage, and it is a structure whose values are likely to be enhanced on contact with others. The Pierre de Fermat High School can boast excellent architectural and formal features: significant clarity in terms of the general organisation, due to the strict orthogonality of the buildings and corridors, both for the high school and the Jacobin Convent opposite, peaceful architecture which tells a story, i.e. generally the second half of the 20th century, which itself took buildings from previous eras into account, consistency between the urban fabric and the prestigious monuments surrounding it, a location whose diverse history continues today. Whilst the site draws its strength from its historic continuity, the establishment occasionally suffers from untoward changes, some ageing and a public space with an image problem. In addition, over the years there has been a lack of adaptation to new constraints and requirements.